Our partner organizations

Mini & Toi is proud to partner with the following four organizations that all share the same mission as us: supporting and helping families.
YWCA QUEBEC: The foundation
The foundation develops and offers services such as activities, accommodation and resources to contribute to the needs of women and girls.
The Cradle
Le Berceau is a welcoming and warm place that offers services such as group meetings, individual support and material assistance to young mothers aged 25 and under during the prenatal and postnatal periods.
Family Space Resource
Family Space Resource offers food support and activities to families to encourage children's development.
The Marie Eve Center
Offers welcome and support to women during pregnancy and during the first two years following birth.
Laura's baskets

Les Paniers de Laura supports mothers of young children in vulnerable situations by offering them free new items that promote the comfort, well-being and safety of the child.